The videos were clear and easy to understand and the breakdown into short simple videos was nice. That way you weren't having to watch an hour long lecture when all you needed was 5 minutes of information.
— Kyle, Spring 2016
I would like to genuinely thank you because without you I wouldn't have passed the class.
— Marcos-Anton, Spring 2019
Your website is so awesome!! Seriously you give a fresh perspective on all the topics talked about in class and the vocabulary you use is very easy to understand.
The way you teach almost makes the material feel very easy to comprehend.
— Kyle F., Fall 2019
I’ll be happy to spread the word about your site. There’s no way I could have any clue what is going on in this class without it.
— Brandon, Spring 2019
Completely changed the way I understood Accounting. These videos got me through the class!
— Nathan, Spring 2016
You definitely saved my grade in accounting, and you explained things very well.
— Nicholas C., Fall 2019
Absolutely love your site. I found it super useful as a review during test weeks, and I can confidently say it helped me achieve an A in the course.
— Jared H., Fall 2019
The videos are are very helpful.
You really have a way of making the material very understandable. You should be a college professor!!
— Nicole, Spring 2018
You saved me in accounting and I made an A!
— Liz, Fall 2016
I stopped going to class when I found out about your website. You offered a clearer way of communicating accounting and I appreciate that.
— Colton, Fall 2018
Did not go to class at all for the last exam, learned everything from your videos. Thank you!
— Jimmy, Spring 2016
I was crying outside the classroom about my grade and a stranger walked up and told me to watch these videos.
— Anonymous, Fall 2018
Your website is dope, it helped me a lot honestly and I never actually understood like I did when I used the website.
— Blaze T., Fall 2019