Did not go to class at all for the last exam, learned everything from your videos. Thank you!
— Jimmy, Spring 2016
It really is a great resource, and you're an excellent accounting instructor.
— Scott, Spring 2018
I’ll be happy to spread the word about your site. There’s no way I could have any clue what is going on in this class without it.
— Brandon, Spring 2019
I learn ten times better off of videos like yours.
— Giancarlo, Spring 2019
I stopped going to class when I found out about your website. You offered a clearer way of communicating accounting and I appreciate that.
— Colton, Fall 2018
Your videos literally saved me. I ended up with a B, but let me tell you I was destined for a D before I discovered your website!
— Mikey, Fall 2018
I can learn a lot from your videos and they are easy to understand.
I have a better understanding after watching your videos which also helped me get a better result for my previous semester.
— Olivia, Fall 2017
I cannot even tell you how helpful your videos were to me when learning this material. I just got my grade back on my first test and I got an A. I don't think my grade would have been that high without your videos.
— Sean, Fall 2015
Thank you for your website and great/clear teaching abilities!
— Julie, Fall 2017
I wanna say thank you very much for doing the videos. I just got my grade and I made an A in accounting, and I must say I owe it to you and your videos.
— Daniel, Spring 2016
Completely changed the way I understood Accounting. These videos got me through the class!
— Nathan, Spring 2016
I just wanted to say thank you for all of the time you have put into this website! All of the videos and practice really helped me improve my accounting grade.
— Sarah M., Fall 2019
I could not have finished this course without your help. I really appreciate how concise you are with your words and how you take the time to create clear visuals when explaining concepts.
— Emma, Fall 2016